The word Love !!
Has to be written from the heart
Has to be felt by all souls
Has to be seen in everyone's eyes
That is the word of love
but what is love ? true love ?
the question may seem to be old , ancient as the first man on Earth , but have you ever tried to get the real answer ? to stop your clock from ticking and check the pointers adjustments, instead of habitually following its tedious rhythm !
the answer is not an easy choice to make ,or a decision to take , it is rather a life sentence penalty if miss .
chosen , or a key of paradise if luck made the same choice as yours
In all our life stages we are seekers of love , from the moment we were born to the last breath before death,and the way we see love varies from one another . For some love means property honor-ship,others find love in freedom , some find love in the common path where people are joined forever ,and there are a group who sees love as their unlimited ambition of perfectionism and loyalty , of morality and of the endless flame of desire . They are all love seekers but they could not and would not be able to give a unanimous definition of love .
Why ?
because love is the mark of true hearts , true lives and true happiness. Love is the myesterius mystery of all mankind , of their sins and advantages . Love is the written and yet to be written words . Love are all the courageous deeds of all time and of sincerity touch , the one you would ever remember in your life. Love is the memory ever lived , the Glory ever felt. the Lough ever last . the Dream ever wished and A blessing of
Who could claim that he is the blessed?
So Love is not a definable word yet.
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